Fancy Colored Diamonds and Natural color diamonds

We are diamond manufacturer , Built the finest quality diamond with care. We made diamond and jewelry that is free from harmful material. We are a fast growing diamond company. Diamonds are available in many varieties and many colors. color’s intensity scaled between D to Z. The ideal diamond is completely colorless. These are the expensive types of diamond. However, most diamonds looks colorless, but they have slight tones of brown or yellow.

The dissimilarity in grades is subtle, and not visible to the human’s naked eye. visible tint diamonds such as scale K and above scale can be beautiful if has a good cut and clarity. Only diamonds graded N scale onwards have a tint which is visible to the naked eye. Beyond S scale the tint grows more and more intense. Natural colored diamonds come in all shades and colors of the rainbow. The popular colors and types are a combination of blue, pink, brown, orange, yellow, red, and green. Yellow is the commonly occurring color in diamonds.

White, red, blue and green diamonds are very rare diamond types. All diamonds are not created equal, but most people think about it differences, they only know the 4C’s –cut, carat, clarity, color. However, the diamond classification separates diamonds on their chemical and physical properties. Only 20% of diamonds are used as gemstones.

Here is the list of diamond types:

White Diamonds
Champagne Diamonds
Pink Champagne Diamonds
Yellow Diamonds
Blue Diamonds
Green Diamonds
Purple Diamonds

White color Diamonds – This diamond type is mostly used for wedding & engagement jewelry and gifts. It is found in various parts of the globe with different sizes and shapes.

Blue Diamonds – Blue diamonds are very expensive and extremely rare to find. But we can make custom fancy blue diamonds. Fancy blue diamonds are available in a wide of shades, from sapphire to sky blue.

Yellow color Diamonds – Also known as canary diamonds, yellow color diamonds are available in a great range of shades from rich canary to light yellow color.

Orange color Diamonds – These diamonds are vibrant and energetic in nature. These diamonds represent success and creativity. They come in a range of variety from vivid orange diamonds to fancy orange diamonds.

Green Diamonds – The Natural green diamond, which probably originated in the Kollur mine in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.
